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After we understand your project and expectations, a proposal will be sent with costs and deliverables. Web3 projects are dynamic in nature, a customized plan.
Of course! Leave it to us to do the heavy lifting. Based on your budget we give you the expected deliverables.
Although we are most confident in our ability to deliver on Influencer Marketing, we do provide support marketing services like PR and custom marketing services as required.
Payouts are in crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT) only, 60% before the start of the campaign and 40% towards the end. We ensure the payout goes to relevant influencers.
We bring a lot to the table
Deep Experience
The founding team has a unique marketing skill-set, having worked in traditional marketing roles for Unicorns along with core Web3 marketing experience spanning 6 years
Strong Creator Network
We have built strong relationship with influencers knowing its value as compared to transactional relationships
Data-driven Campaign
We have extensive data from past campaigns and make campaign decisions for new clients based on this data